The Chakra System
The word “chakra” is of Sanskrit origin, representing “a disk,” “a wheel” or “a circle”. The seven-chakra system within the human body is a central idea in the esoteric and spiritual traditions of India. Some of the oldest texts, including the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali make references to these wheels of life, or spinning centers of energy.
The seven-body system contains the physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhic and nirvanic body. Our chakras are located in the etheric body. Before an illness manifests in the physical body, energy distortion happens in the etheric body. Therefore, understanding the links between the seven-body system and the chakra system helps develop a more holistic view of human wellbeing and spiritual evolution.
Chakras are energy vortexes of the body, valves of dynamic energy, or wheels of whirling energy, located along the spine. They are energy turbines within our etheric body. They are organizing units, or centers of energy, which receive, process and transmute the energy. The chakras are located at the intersection of the energy tubes (nadis) within our etheric body. If a chakra is blocked, then its functions are affected, and as a result, our physical, emotional and mental health is affected. A chakra imbalance happens when there is either excessive or deficient energy flowing through it. The key is to prevent the extremes on the energy pendulum, and to remain on the golden middle path.
The seven chakras are not isolated; a disbalance in any of the chakras affects the overall state of the whole system. This is particularly true for the lower three chakras which, when stuck, automatically block the energy flow through the higher chakras. More generally, work on all the chakras needs to be happening simultaneously. The better we understand each chakra and the work of all the chakras as a system, the better we can see how intertwined all the aspects of life are.
Three stages of the self-healing process
There are three stages of the self-healing process: 1) Identifying the root cause of the problem; 2) Processing, or determining what needs to be done to resolve the problem; and 3) Integrating the lessons learnt in the day-to-day life. Health is to be treated holistically, and includes physical, emotional and mental aspects. The healing process for each chakra disbalance is two-pronged and includes both a pull aspect (regular meditation) and a push aspect (counteracting actions and lifestyle habits).
There are no shortcuts in spirituality. Instant solutions are traps on the path, and only a sincere and serious approach can support the seeker on their path towards self-realization. Straightforwardness, daily meditation, and a readiness to embrace a scientific approach (as opposed to blind faith) will lead the individual towards enlightenment. We needs to take full responsibility and control over our lives.
The significance of individual chakras
Each chakra is associated with a particular energy which needs to be understood and balanced properly. The physical, emotional and mental traits of individuals with either deficient or excessive pattern of chakra activity are well known, and we can easily identify issues within our own chakra system. In the case when the person applies excessive coping strategies in dealing with life problems, the chakras becomes dense and stagnant. In the case of deficient coping strategies, the chakras remain empty and useless. In addition, each chakra has its own “demon” - the negative energy that might be associated with it.
The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is located at the base of the spine, and it deals specifically with one’s physical wellbeing. Fear is its “demon” or negative energy that needs to be transformed into trust.
The Sacral Chakra (Swadhistana), the center of one’s emotions and sexuality, is located in the lower abdomen. Its “demon” is the feeling of guilt, which needs to be overcome.
The Solar Plexus (Manipura) deals with one’s ego, relates to our world-views, and its basic issues are power and control. The third’s chakra “demon” is the shame energy, and the way to deal with it is to transform it into energy of respect and self-respect.
The Heart Chakra (Anahata) is the center of love, pure joy and balance, as well as the link between the higher and the lower chakras. Mind exists only in the lower three chakras. Its “demon” energy is grief, which needs to be transformed into the energy of joy.
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is related to creativity. It’s basic right is to speak and to be heard, and its basic issue is communication (both speaking and listening to others). Its “demon” energy are lies, which needs to be transformed into the energy of truth.
The Third Eye (Ajna) is located between the eyebrows. It relates to our ability to see through the language of archetypes. Its basic issues are intuition and imagination. The “demon” of the sixth chakra is illusion. The opposite energy of illusion is reality.
The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is rather a state of consciousness. It deals with awareness and oneness. It is located in the cerebral cortex. Its “demon” energy is attachment - as long as we are attached, we cannot be in this state of consciousness. The way forward is surrendering, letting go.
For a detailed and practical approach to the seven-chakra system, watch the Master Class series on chakras by Pradeep Vijay. The video presentations can be accessed through the following links:
The Seven Bodies:
Muladhara Chakra:
Swadhistana Chakra:
Manipura Chakra:
Anahata Chakra: and
Vishuddha Chakra:
Ajna Chakra:
Sahasrara Chakra:
Pradeep Vijay is a Global Meditation Coach based out of Singapore. He has conducted Spiritual Science Conferences and Self Realization Retreats in more than 25 countries. It is his mission to inspire and conduct meditation sessions to the seekers of truth all over the world.