Stages of Soul Evolution
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Stages of Soul Evolution

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The Five Dimensions of Being

According to Brahmarshi Patriji, using the five fingers of our hand, we can understand which dimension of being we live our life at. Each finger represents an aspect of being. Our little finger represents our Body, our ring finger represents the Mind, our middle finger represents Intelligence, our index finger represents our Soul, and our thumb represents the Spirit, or all that is.

Our physical Body comes from our parents. We inherit the genetics from them. Our Mind comes from society — everything that is in our surroundings, including our parents, family, media, environment, religion, and even the time period in which we live. Intelligence is what differentiates between good and bad, true and false, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly; the Intelligence depends on the accumulated experiences gained in all your past lifetimes, including this lifetime. Soul is that which is immortal; it is part of the Spirit. Using the metaphor of a tree, we can say that the entire tree is the Spirit, while each leaf on the tree is a Soul.

The Five Soul Cycles

The Earth is a wonderful school where many Souls come for their learning, evolution and growth. They undergo is a structured development — a structured way of learning. The Souls go through the five stages of being an Infant Soul, a Child Soul, a Young Soul, A Mature Soul, and Old Soul, until they realize their Buddhahood, Krishnahood or Christ Consciousness.

All the five Soul Cycles need to be passed through — there is no skipping or jumping through any Cycle of the Soul. Each Cycle can take up, on average, up to 400 lifetimes, depending on the Soul’s evolution. Each Soul moves according to its own rhythm. However, the growth can be accelerated. This is not a hierarchy — it is a stage of development.

In the incarnation path of a Soul, it is possible for the Soul to get stuck at a particular level, and then the progress gets delayed. Suicide is the one thing that causes the Soul to be stuck at a particular level, and be unable to move forward. On the Earth, it is special all the Souls from the different soul cycles mix together (sometimes even living together in a single family).

The Five Soul Cycles represent the complete incarnation path of a human soul. We can match the Five Dimensional of Being to the Five Soul Cycles: the Infant Soul is at the Body level, the Child Soul is at the Mind level, the Young Soul is at the Intelligence level, the Mature Soul is at the Soul level, and the Old Soul is at the Spirit level.

Infant Souls live primarily in the dimension of Body, and they identify with the Body. These are newly incarnated Souls who have just come to the Earth and are still adjusting to the physical Body. They are very sensitive, defenseless and dependent. They focus on survival and procreation. Such Souls choose to be born in groups where they can take communal responsibility. They usually do not have opinions of their own and do not take responsibility. However, towards the end of the cycle, they get adjusted to the body, as they have experienced joy and pleasure on the Body level. They feel less insecure and less helpless. They are now ready to move onto the next life cycle.

Child Souls live more in the dimension of the Mind. They live according to the society — they are ‘obedient children of the society.’ They follow the societal trends, culture, religion, politics etc. They look up to celebrities and successful people in society as their role models. In this Soul cycle, the first karmic ties are created. Responsibility for the Child Soul is just seen in the material sense. They regard people or animals as those who serve their needs — they regard only those who are useful to them, and discard those who are no longer useful. They like to explore the material world, and they are easily influenced by their social circle & trends (they follow blindly). They look at everything that happens to them as a destiny or fate. By the end of this cycle, they no longer passively accept what is happening to them as fate. They decide to take action and gain control over their lives; they are ready to accept challenges and strive to succeed.

Young Souls live on the level of the Intelligence. They gain as many experiences as possible. In order to get experiences, we need to act. They keep trying, and they keep being successful in the material world. At the start of the cycle, these Souls possess a very strong drive to succeed and achieve material wealth and success; they test their strengths and willpower; and in this process they create a lot of karmic ties. A lot of learning happens at this level. Also, the focus is always on “I,” “me,” “myself,” and “mine”. They measure their self-worth based on their material, external success. They are ambitious, self-driven and possess good leadership skills. Success in the material world gives them great satisfaction. Young Souls have realized that their actions have consequences, but they are not yet ready to take responsibility for the same. Towards the end of the cycle, they have already achieved the peak of success, and start questioning the value of the material achievements. They start to see that these things are fleeting temporary. Money no longer gives enough satisfaction. They lose motivation to strive for wealth or material gain. They see the limitations of money and success. When this kind of thinking starts entering their mind, then they are ready to graduate to the next Soul cycle.

Mature Souls live in the dimension of the Soul. This is when the Soul starts looking inward, and begins to start valuing things which are not outside. Live is lived in search of eternal happiness, joy and self realization which cannot be achieved though name, fame and money. In this cycle, the karmic debts start to get paid off. At the beginning of the cycle, they search for avenues of potential joy, which they often find in music and arts. They also engage in activities which do not generate financial gain, such as social & community service work, and charity/humanitarian work. Typically, Mature Souls engage in self-reflection and introspection; they are strong and resilient; and they are responsible — morals and ethics become personal to them. At the end of the cycle, they become true seekers for that which leads to eternal joy and bliss, they engage in meditation practice, and they seek self-realization. Eventually, the shift to the next level happens.

Old Souls live in God-realization. They go through the path of research, teaching and spiritual service. They understand that everything is connected — they live in a state of Oneness. This awakens wisdom and compassion. These Old Souls are service-oriented, loving and compassionate, they live in accordance to the Universal Laws, personal ties mean little to them, and they follow the Soul Path. Old Souls start to understand the Law of Karma (cause & effect), and they assume full responsibility for their thoughts, speech and actions.

How Souls Learn and Evolve on Earth

Before we were born we, together with our Guides, designed our own Soul Plan (Blueprint for the Soul). Learning depends of the Soul’s evolution — the Soul Level at which we are. Infant Souls, Child Souls and Young Souls are on an outward journey. They learn based on what they see and on what their minds interpret — this is a superficial level of learning. Mature Souls and Old Souls are on an inward journey. They see a situation from a wider perspective. The inwards journey begins as soon as you stop seeking outwardly. Seeking is no longer external, and the answers start coming from within us. Old Souls accept the situation, learn from within (intuition), and discover bliss & happiness within themselves.

The Importance of Meditation for the Evolution of the Soul

Meditation is wonderful tool which gives us both awareness and energy. In meditation, our Soul and Spirit are merging together, giving us abundant cosmic energy. Though meditation, all the mind patterns get corrected, and all the wrong beliefs get corrected. By meditating, we can shift away from a Disastrous Mind or a Negative Mind to a Positive Mind or a Miraculous Mind. Regular meditation disciplines your mind, and creates new ways of being. However, when you forget to meditate for a few days, the old habits of your mind pattern return. In order to change old habits, it is very important to meditate regularly.

About the Speaker: Ms. Navneet Kaur from Singapore began her pyramid meditation journey in 2011. This led her to a great inner transformation. After leaving her corporate job in 2014, she is now dedicated full-time to service and spirituality. She regularly organizes pyramid meditation sessions in Singapore. She also designs and conducts workshops on various spiritual science topics.

You can watch the Global Master Talk on Stages of Soul Evolution hosted by Pyramid Valley International and delivered by Ms. Navneet Kaur, available here:

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